
Municipal Alliance

The Saddle River Municipal Alliance Committee presents timely, accurate and relevant programs to all age groups within the community. The programs are based on current trends and a careful examination of the needs of the community.

Since 2002, the Alliance has offered various programs and prevention activities to senior citizens, parents and the youth of our community. These programs are designed to increase awareness and prevent alcohol and drug abuse and the violence often associated with it.

The Saddle River Municipal Alliance is supported by the Saddle River Mayor and Council, Saddle River Police and Fire Departments, Wandell School, Saddle River Day School and Northern Highlands Regional High School. Programs are funded through GCADA (Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse) with the help of the Bergen County Municipal Alliance.

For parents, we design and offer programs that encourage active involvement in their child's lives. These programs are also designed to help them understand complicated issues like underage alcohol consumption, drug use and abuse and their effects on family life.

The Saddle River Municipal Alliance assists Lieutenant Tim Gerity and Police Officer Brian Doyle with the Youth Leadership Program. This comprehensive safety program is presented to 5th graders at Wandell and Saddle River Day School. Topics such as bullying, being a good role model, Internet safety, community emergency response, personal safety, nutrition, physical fitness, positive life choices, self-esteem and substance abuse prevention are explored in depth.

Lieutenant Gerity is a state certified School Resource Officer and instructor. He and Officer Doyle provide classes to high school students during the school year. Northern Highlands Regional High School Principal Joe Occhino has stated "Our School Resource Officers are a valued resource and build meaningful relationships with our students. It is another dimension to a high school that prides itself on having a positive school climate."

The Saddle River Municipal Alliance works closely with Alliances from other communities. Together, Saddle River, Upper Saddle River, Ho-Ho-Kus, Allendale and Northern Highlands Regional High School serve to increase outreach and to keep our communities alcohol and drug free.

Brochures and information are always available at the Saddle River Borough Hall and Police Department. Please support our community and our children by attending the programs when offered.


Patty Nazzaro



​​Project Medicine Drop - The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs has developed Project Medicine Drop as an important component of its effort to halt the abuse and diversion of prescription drugs. It allows consumers to dispose of unused and expired medications anonymously, seven days a week, 365 days a year, at "prescription drug drop boxes" located within the headquarters of participating police departments.

Each Project Medicine Drop box is installed indoors, affixed to the floor or wall in a secure area within police department headquarters, within view of law enforcement officers, in an area to which members of the public may be admitted to dispose of their unused medications. Their prominent "Project Medicine Drop" logos make the boxes highly visible and recognizable.

This initiative builds on the success of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's National Take Back Initiative, and the American Medicine Chest Challenge, which is sponsored in New Jersey by the DEA, Partnership for a Drug Free New Jersey, and Sheriffs' Association of New Jersey. Both programs provide single-day opportunities to drop off unused medications at pre-identified, secure locations.

Project Medicine Drop provides the opportunity to discard unused prescription medications every day throughout the year. The participating police agencies maintain custody of the deposited drugs, and dispose of them according to their normal procedures for the custody and destruction of controlled dangerous substances. They report the quantity of discarded drugs to the Division of Consumer Affairs on a quarterly basis.


CLICK HERE for a list of drop box locations


100 E Allendale Rd. Saddle River, NJ 07458 | (p) 201-327-2609 | (f) 201-327-0168