Building/Construction Department
Responsibilities & Services
The Uniform Construction Code (UCC) combines administrative regulations and technical standards adopted by the State of New Jersey for construction. The departments provides all the services mandated under the state UCC.
The primary responsibility of the Construction Department is to maintain the state mandated system for processing permits, performing inspections, to track and pursue code violations and unsafe structures. The permit process begins with plan review. This is to insure compliance with applicable codes and standards. Upon final inspections and approvals, the permit process ends when the project or installation is certified for occupancy and/or use. The ultimate goal is to make all buildings and structures erected in the municipality safe for the intended occupancy and use.
About Construction Permits
The construction permit is a license that grants legal permission to begin construction - is required for all new buildings and structures. Work involving the altering and modifying of existing buildings and structures, renovations and the installation of fixtures and certain equipment also requires a construction permit. There are some exceptions to the mandatory permit rule. Please give us a call if you have questions concerning permit requirements.
What is Required
The permit application will require basic information about the project. The scope of the project and the contractors or individuals slated to perform the work must be indicated. The application must also include sketches, plans or other documentation for review.
Application forms will be available online shortly. They can be completed electronically at home but will still need to be dropped off or mailed to the Construction Department Office for review.
Inspections are required and are necessary to verify whether code standards are met. The homeowner or contractor should be prepared to furnish the following information when requesting an inspection:
Address of the property
Lot and Block Numbers
Date of requested inspection
For further information, please call (201) 327-2609 Ext. 235 or 245